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map of the state of New York with a blue tack

Helping put businesses ON THE MAP
with impactful messaging underpinned by innovative strategic thinking

(and a heavily inked passport!)

Some of my best marketing ideas have come to me while looking

out the window and watching the world go by.


Whether it’s on a plane, train, or automobile, or cruise ship, mountain gondola, or subway car, the constantly changing scenery sparks new thoughts and ideas.

My expertise is backed by 20 years of marketing experience, plus many trips around the globe. I believe it's important to get out, experience the world, and use those moments to ignite fresh perspectives to enrich your marketing.


The name 'On the Map' reflects both the influence of travel on my marketing projects and also the phrase "put on the map" which means to make something well-known – just like is done with marketing.

"Emily quickly ramped on our message, products, and audience and has improved the quality of copy created across the team, ensuring that it is not only consistent with our style guide, but also brand and on message. She has also created several high quality, original white papers and ebooks for Tricentis."

Lanier Norville, Director of Content Marketing, Tricentis

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